Friday, 18 November 2011

Test Shoot 1

This is the first version for the test shoot, as mentioned before we encountered many problems during the production stage. This video is from the first time we started to film. As at this point we did not have any roses so we used a teddy bear for the film instead. As the location was close to home it was easier to shoot in Brentford. However as Chiswick is further away we had less time to shoot there as it would begin to get dark earlier and so there were timing issues with the cast

We film various shots to see which would be the best to use during post production.

At this point we also did not have any bus stop shots as they were harder to film because of public access and there were people walking past and we decided that we would change the location of the bus stop shots and have them in Chiswick instead of at Brentford so that we can easily show  the E3 bus which both characters will get on. There is no voice-over or any scores added yet, as we will add these for the final version.The quality for this video has been compressed as it is not our final version. Some shots such as the card have not been added because we did not have the photo of Adam so we could not add it onto the card. So there is no close up of the card that reveals the picture.

During post production we decided to change the following things:
-The main character Hallie would have her hair out to make look her like an 18 year old
-The roses will still be used even though we couldn't use them at this point
-We would add bus stop shots
-There will be more close ups and other angles for the final film compared to the storyboard
-We would keep the grave (so it doesn't look to old) and the other locations we were using as we thought it was appropriate for the film
-The card will have a picture of the three characters with one crossed out to added another twist that both characters actually know each other and still chose to ignore each other at the Bus stop

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