Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Magazine Review Planning- Advertising Profile

This is the Advertising Profile for our Magazine of the type of person who is targetted to read the magazine.
As the Target Audience is 15-20, the advertising profile was based on this range.

What type of Breakfast a person would eat?
Something easy to make and quick to eat because of the lack of time like going to school/college/university in the morning.

What mode of Transport would a person ride?
They would most likely travel on Public Transport as they wold be too young to own their own car.

What accommodation would they live in?
They would probably still be living at home with parents

What do they Drink?
Soft drinks, Energy Drinks

What do they like to Eat?
Most young people like to eat fast food

What are their Main Interests?
Mainly watching TV/Films, hanging out with friends, sports

Where do they go on Holiday?
Somewhere close to home, mostly Europe

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