Here are some of the designs:
Design 1:
The good thing about this poster is that the main props are used and indirectly shown to the audience giving them further information about the film. It has the main conventions/codes of main-stream posters. These are: Title, Billing Block, Main Stars (all 3), Tagline, Release information (coming soon) and information about the previous film of the directors.
-The card with the three characters is to show a love triangle (can be slightly seen with the shape of the card which is a prop used in the film.
-The rose which is another main prop is around 'James's' picture making it look effective. The idea behind this is that he is between two roses, therefore 'stuck' between both girls. Furthermore roses have thorns on the stem which indicates a bad situation- refering to the film twist at the end
-The titles would be quite feminine- therefore italics and 'curly'
The genre is shown through the points mentioned above and the deep colours (such as for the red roses) would shown romance.
-This would be heavily photoshopped because we would have to insert all three pictures onto the card through editing - especially with the roses and all other conventions such as title and billing block as well.
Design 2:
This poster idea is directly from a scene in the film for the background. This also has the conventions: Billing Block, Title, Tagline, information about previous film and release information.
-A good point about this poster is that the tagline in placed where the advert would normally be on a bus which is something you don't normally see
-The line between the door shows two sides and the fact they are back to back also shows the 'strangers' part. Futhermore this is emphasised with the bus as its a normal public place where most people are strangers to you.
-Again the title would be Italics with the main props on either side also showing 'distance between the two (being apart) but still joint with the title showing the connection between the two.
However, the bad points about this one is that
Design 3:

This poster is very simple compared to the others therefore does not reveal too much about the film. It shows the title inside the grave with both main props as well. However, this may mislead people into thinking the genre for this is horror because of the grave and perhaps the film about someone dying.
We also thought that we could have both girls' hands on either side holding the grave. The 'coming soon could be on the part where the grave looks 3D therefore between the two lines again making it look different and experimenting with different ideas which is normally the point for short films.
Design 4:
Finally the last poster idea is with both girls back to back on the rose and James's picture inside the rose shwoing he's the 'love interest' of both girls. This poster also has all conventions mentioned before. This poster is also simple but gives the point across to the audience in terms of genre.
All posters could perhaps attract our target audience which was female as the genre can be clearly seen. The software Adobe Photoshop will be needed for any of these ideas making it look appealing and attractive keeping in mind that audiences have limited time to view posters so they should able to stand out from far distances.
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