Friday, 23 September 2011

Magazine Review- The Road

Magazine: Total Film
Film: The Road

This film review is from Total Film (

There is a lot of different 'objects' on this review. However, the main picture takes up half of the page and this makes the column size smaller, this helps the reviewer Jamie Graham not write much about film, which can be both a good and bad thing for the audience because, good- doesn't give away too much of the story plot, however for some people this may not be enough information either.

The main review article gives a balanced view so that the audience can make a choice for themselves whether to watch the film or not. The srticle straight away begins with the review of the film and some general comments about it throughout. They do not go off topic.

For the house style, they have a breakout box with 'See If you liked', which is  given in most reviews as there are references to other films alike (and some books) so this futhermore helps the audience to make a wise choice. They also have information about the film in terms of certificate and director the same as Prevue. They have a few pictures and graphics,

In this review there is also graphics, this help to make the article look a little more interesting so there is not too much writing for the audience. The style of writing however is for a little older audiences, not too young but also not too old such as 'Nuclear War, Environmental catastrophe? Punishment from the above'.

This could be suitable for our film depending on the final desicion of the audience for the review. However my personal opinion is that the layout is not clear and it seems 'all over the place', however it is good that there is a balanced opinion and they have a little breakout box with 'In Short' which easily summarizes the main point of the review which is good for people who do not like/ have time to read the whole article.

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