Friday 16 September 2011

Film Poster Research- The Fifth Element

Fifth Element Film Poster

The Fifth Elment is a 1997 Sci-Fi about a man called Korben Dallas and his travels with extra-terrestial being, Leeloo to save the world from being crushed by a astorid. The films stars Gary Oldman, Milla Jovovich, Chris Tucker and Bruce Willis.

This film poster is very different to the Sci-Fi films that we see today. This is because the technology was not as advanced as it is now. The poster is quite packed and technically is quite full. The background image immediately gives away the fact that the film is going to either be set in or involve space. Which tells the audience that the film is going to be a Sci-Fi. The use of the stars in the background helps to make the foreground images stand out more. The use of the 5 planes/spaceships heading towards the beams of light suggest that there could some sort of race-to-the-finish type thing. With the three main characters at the top of the page and Bruce Willis' in the front shows that he is the main progtaganist that the film will be based around. The fact that the beams all rise to the Gary Oldman and Milla Jovovich suggest that they may all be connected to each other and the story in some way. The billing block is quite unusual as normally on today's posters, the billing block would be a dark Grey. Whereas in this poster, they're White. It's effective and useful because then the audience are not only focusing on the top half of the poster but also at the bottom half so it means that they'll get a better overview of the poster.

Again, in this poster the font, is quite simple and uses a plain colour as well. If it had used any other colour, it wouldn't have worked. The font is quite small because of the amount of stuff that has been added to the poster and a bigger font would have made the poster look even more packed. However, the small ball of light cuts off the top half off the font letters of the film's title so makes it a little strange but strangely, it works. The tagline 'There's no future without it' gives just that little more information about the film as it suggest that the film is going to contain a race against time or something to do with death. Also it can possibly give an idea as to when the film is set, the spaceships and the astorid suggest that the film has a futuristic element to it.

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